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Finding somewhere to live – Admission Consultant in Kerala

Students in the UK can choose from a wide range of safe and trendy places to live. Most universities and schools have their own housing teams that can help you find a place to live that fits your needs.

Many schools and universities have halls of residence on campus or nearby. If you’d rather rent your own place, the housing office at your university or college can usually help you. When you get your offer, you should contact them to find out what your choices are and what deadlines you need to know about.

Even if they live with other people, students usually have their own bedroom and sometimes a bathroom right next to it.

Here are the main types of places to stay, so you can start making plans.

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University-owned accommodation

Most colleges in the UK have their own halls of residence where new students can live. In halls, you can stay in anything from single rooms with shared kitchens and living rooms to flats with everything you need.

Depending on what you want, you can usually choose between catered halls (with a dining room where you can buy cheap meals or have the cost of all meals included in your rent) or self-catered halls (with shared kitchens where you can cook your own food).

When you live in a hall, you have a safe and cosy place to stay that is good value for money. Services like wifi and insurance for your belongings are included in your rent.

Most halls are open to students of both sexes, but there are usually also choices for single-sex living, like single-sex corridors or flats.

In bigger places like London, there are also intercollegiate halls of residence where students from different colleges at the University of London, for example, can live together.

Before you sign a contract with a university hall, make sure you know how long it will last and what the rules are. For example, check your contract to see if you can stay at your place during the holidays.

Private luxury student accommodation

Students can now live in private, high-end developments in a lot of UK towns. There are separate studios and apartments for people to stay in. There are cinema rooms, on-site gyms, and round-the-clock concierge services. The place is fully furnished and has designer furnishings and fittings.

It’s important to remember that because private luxury student developments aren’t connected to specific universities or course providers, it’s possible that you’ll live with people who go to different schools than you.

Homestay accommodation

Homestays, in which you live with a UK family in their home, can be a great way to learn more about UK culture. Your university may be able to help you set this up, or you can contact one of the homestay companies registered with the British Council.

Privately rented accommodation

In the UK, it’s normal for first-year college students to live in halls of residence for their first year, then move into private rented housing for their second year and beyond.

If you choose to live in a private rental, you can get a taste of life outside of school and choose who you want to live with. It also lets you choose where to live with more freedom.

Most private student housing is already set up, but you may need to bring your own things like bedding and cooking tools. You’ll also have to pay for getting to and from school, utilities, WiFi, belongings insurance, and a TV licence. As a full-time student in the UK, it’s important to know that you don’t have to pay local tax.

Before you sign a contract, it’s a good idea to check out the homes you’re interested in and make sure it will cover the whole time you’ll be in the UK.

Read on: Cost of Studying and Living in the UK

When to apply

You might be wondering when it’s time to start looking for a place to live. This depends on what kind of housing you want, but you should start thinking about your choices as soon as you accept your university’s offer.

If you want to live in a university-owned residence, you should sign up as soon as possible because some of the more popular rooms will fill up quickly. Pay attention to any instructions or dates that your school gives you.

If you decide at the last minute that you want to study in the UK, you will always have choices. You can look for private rental housing when it’s convenient for you, but keep in mind that if you give yourself more time to look, you’ll have more freedom to choose a place that works for you.

You can get help finding a place to live by going straight to your university.