Management Studies
Management programs and courses grab a lot of opportunities and culminate such skills in the students that they become a high-catch for employees across the globe. A Management degree is one of the most aspired post-graduation degrees today for both graduates and working professionals. IDP offers assistance to alumni round the clock to gain admission into desired Management courses as well as location.
Management Courses in Australia
An Australian management degree could be the most significant step that a student can take for contribution to career development and making a significant contribution for personal growth. Australian B-Schools outshine many of its neighbors in various rankings paradigms. IDP endeavors to provide necessary information and counseling to alumni to book a seat for Management courses or program in Australia. All institutes in Australia provide MBA degree and courses which are recognized globally. Australian cities like Sydney, Melbourne & Perth are considered among the top cities in term of quality and standard of living.
Management Courses in USA
USA is the highest paid region for students all over the world along with excellent education quality. MBA in USA tend to be of two-years in length. This makes students with the benefit of enrolling for an MBA internship during break, increasing the vocational skills of the students, and the employability of MBA graduates. The top business schools with Management courses in the USA are: Harvard Business School, University of Pennsylvania: Wharton, Northwestern University: Kellogg, Stanford University, Columbia Business School, and University of Chicago: Booth, MIT: Sloan, UC Berkeley: Haas, University of Michigan: Ross, and Duke University: Fuqua.
Management Courses in Canada
Canada is popular and is ranked third behind the UK & US in terms of preference among students. It is based on the fact that quality of the schools and the great reputation they have built up. Canadian universities offer safe and secure environment to the alumni which require not only quality of education but a healthy surroundings as well. The major universities which provide excellent Management courses in Canada would include – University of Toronto; Queens School of Business and HEC Montreal.
Management Courses in New Zealand
Management studies are one of the most developed and the largest fields of study in New Zealand. Many Universities in New Zealand offer specialized courses in specific management areas such as finance, human resource management, accounting and marketing and even agri-business and construction management. Management in New Zealand can be pursued as a Vocational course, or as an Undergraduate or a Postgraduate program. Double degrees are another option offered by a number of colleges in New Zealand, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. They let students combine management with a second alternate discipline like humanities, information technology, design or tourism. The best B-Schools in New Zealand are: – The University of Auckland Business School, Otago Business School, Waikato Management School, University of Canterbury – School of Business and Economics, and Victoria University of Wellington.
Management Courses in UK
UK B- schools are reputed globally for not only their rigorous academic approach but for high salaries and excellent job opportunities after graduating. London is the world’s leading finance and banking centers making it lucrative career region for aspiring candidates. Not only London, but the other regions of the UK have excellent opportunities in the services industry. Salaries are still very high for MBA graduates plus there are number of job openings for graduates from UK schools. The major B schools offering Management programs in UK include- London Business School, Cranfield School of Management, Cambridge Judge, Manchester Business School, Oxford Said and Warwick Business School, all of which perform highly in most international rankings.
The best way to select college and university is to rate them on factors like courses and subject, location, budget, work training & exposure along with affiliated universities. IDP counselors help the candidates regarding information about particular subject and college. Other services include:
Selection of course and college
Application procedure
Visa counseling
Offer Acceptance