University of Bedfordshire Admission Consultants in Kerala
Study in UK – University of Bedfordshire

The University of Bedfordshire is based in both Luton and Bedford, two large towns north of London. The University of Bedfordshire has two main campuses in the centre of Luton and on the outskirts of Bedford, both with on-campus accommodation. The University also has two campuses for nursing and midwifery degrees at Butterfield Park on the outskirts of Luton, and at the Buckinghamshire campus at Oxford House in Aylesbury. A fifth site, Putteridge Bury, contains the postgraduate Business School.
Around 20,000 students from over 120 countries study at the University of Bedfordshire and, since its foundation in 2006, the University has invested over £130 million in building and redeveloping facilities. The sports facilities were used to host athletes in the London 2012 Olympic Games and 2015 Rugby World Cup.
A range of scholarships and discounts are also available at Bedfordshire, including the Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship and Early Bird payment discount.
Services for International Students
The University of Bedfordshire has a dedicated International Office that offers support on issues such as visas, accommodation, travel and events, orientation and induction for new students. There is also a formal Communication Skills course, which deals with academic English, aspects of British university culture and more general study skills.
Every new international student is also given a buddy, a current international student who will help you settle into your new surroundings.
- 131st in the Times University Guide 2021
- 121st in the Guardian University Guide 2021Following the results of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, the University of Bedfordshire has more than doubled its amount of world leading research since 2008, while the number of staff judged to be world-leading or internationally excellent in research has quadrupled. Bedfordshire is also a top 250 University Under 50 in THE’s 2020 Young University Rankings.
There is a wide variety of accommodation in Luton, ranging from studio apartments to standard rooms in shared flats. Students can also enjoy free access to an on-site gym, 24-hour laundry and 24-hour security. In Bedford, students can choose from two different accommodation options at the Student Village or Liberty Park.
Luton is one of the UK’s largest towns, and also one of its most diverse. Over 140 different nationalities make up this vibrant, multicultural society. By contrast, Bedford is a riverside town on a beautiful stretch of the River Great Ouse, surrounded by parks and open spaces.
London is close and easy to reach from both the Luton and Bedford campuses, which are on the same train line into London’s St. Pancras station. The journey takes around 40 minutes from Bedford and 22 minutes from Luton on a fast train. London Luton airport is just 4km away from the main Luton campus.
Courses at Bedfordshire University
Agriculture FdSc
Bedfordshire International and EU Foundation Year
Building Services and Sustainability FD
Building Technology FdSc
Business Management FdA
Child and Family Studies FD
Child and Family Studies FD (Barnfield College)
Child and Family Studies FD (Bedford College)
Construction Management FdSc
Early Years Studies FdA
Educational Practice FD
Educational Practice FD (Aylesbury)
Health and Social Care Practice FdA
Health and Social Care Practice FdA (Central Bedfordshire College)
Healthcare Practice FdSc
Media Make-up and Character Design FdA
Media Make-up and Character Design FdA (Bedford College)
Media Production (Bedford College – Tresham) FdA
Media Production FD
Music Technology FD
Nursing Associate FD
Psychology and Crime FD
Psychology and Crime FdA
Psychology and Criminal Behaviour FD
Psychology and Criminal Behaviour FdA
Salon and Spa Management FdA
Sports Science (Personal Training) FdSc
Sports Science (Personal Training) FdSc (Bedford College)
Sports Science (Sports Coaching) FdSc
Sustainable Construction FD
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
Acting BA (Hons)
Animal Science (Top Up) Bedford College BSc (Hons)
Animation BA (Hons)
Applied Early Years Studies (Top up) BA (Hons) (1 Years)
Applied Education Studies (Evening Delivery) Luton BA (Hons)
Applied Education Studies BA (Hons)
Applied Education Studies BA (Hons) (4 Years)
Applied Education Studies BA (Hons) (Arthur Mellows Village College (Study Centre))
Applied Personal Training and Specialist Exercise Instruction BSc (Hons)
Applied Special Educational Needs and Disability (Top up) BA (Hons)
Applied Sport and Physical Education BSc (Hons)
Applied Sport Science and Coaching BSc (Hons)
Art and Design BA (Hons)
Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)
Aviation and Airport Management BSc (Hons)
Biological Science BSc (Hons)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
Business Administration (Top Up)
Business and Management (Top up) BA (Hons)
Business Economics BSc (Hons)
Business Information Systems BSc (Hons)
Business Management (with Placement) BSc (Hons)
Business Management BSc (Hons)
Business Management with Law BSc (Hons)
Business Studies (General) BSc (Hons)
Business Studies (International) BSc (Hons)
Business Studies (Project Management) BSc (Hons)
Business Studies with Finance BSc (Hons)
Business Studies with Marketing BSc (Hons)
Child and Adolescent Studies BA (Hons)
Clinical Exercise Therapy BSc (Hons)
Computer Animation and Visual Effects BSc (Hons)
Computer Games Development BSc (Hons)
Computer Networking BSc (Hons)
Computer Science BSc (Hons)
Construction Management (Top up) BSc (Hons)
Creative Writing and Journalism BA (Hons)
Creative Writing BA (Hons)
Criminology and Sociology BA (Hons)
Criminology BA (Hons)
Cybersecurity BSc (Hons)
Cybersecurity BSc (Hons) (University Square Campus, Luton)
Dance and Professional Practice BA (Hons)
Early Childhood Education (with Early Years Educator Status) BA (Hons)
Early Years and English Language Teaching BA (Hons)
Early Years Education BA (Hons)
Economics and Finance BSc (Hons)
Education BA (Hons)
Education Studies and English BA (Hons)
Education with Psychology BA (Hons)
Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons)
English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language BA (Hons)
English Language Teaching
English Literature BA (Hons)
Environmental Health Science BSc (Hons)
Events Management BSc (Hons)
Fashion Design BA (Hons)
Film and Television Production BA (Hons)
Film Production BA (Hons)
First Certificate in English (FCE)
Food and Nutrition Science BSc (Hons)
Food Science, Technology and Management BSc (Hons)
Football Business BA (Hons)
Football Coaching BA (Hons)
Football Science BSc (Hons)
Football Studies BA (Hons)
Forensic Science and Criminology BSc (Hons)
Forensic Science BSc (Hons)
Graphic Design BA (Hons)
Health and Social Care BA (Hons)
Health and Social Care Practice (Top up) BA (Hons) (Tresham College (Study Centre))
Health Care Practice (Top up) BSc (Hons)
Health, Nutrition and Exercise BSc (Hons)
Human Bioscience with Enterprise BSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management (with placement) (Accredited) BSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management (with placement) BSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
Human Resources Management with Law BSc (Hons)
Illustration BA (Hons)
Information and Data Systems BSc (Hons)
Information Technology BSc (Hons)
Interior Architecture BA (Hons)
Interior Design BA (Hons)
International Business BSc (Hons)
International Finance and Banking BSc (Hons)
International Tourism Management BSc (Hons)
International Tourism with Events Management BSc (Hons)
International Tourism with Hospitality Management BSc (Hons)
Journalism (with placement) Milton Keynes BA (Hons)
Journalism BA (Hons)
Law LLB (Hons)
Law LLB (Hons) (University Square Campus, Luton)
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons)
Law with Financial Management LLB (Hons)
Law with Psychology LLB (Hons)
Marketing BSc (Hons)
Marketing with Aviation and Airport Management BSc (Hons)
Marketing with International Tourism Management
Master of Physical Education (Secondary) (with QTS) MPhysEd
Mechanical Engineering – Higher National Certificate
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
Media Communications BA (Hons)
Media Performance for Film TV and Theatre BA (Hons)
Media Production BA (Hons)
Media, Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons)
Midwifery: Registered Midwife (2nd Registration) BSc (Hons)
Midwifery: Registered Midwife (3 Year) BSc (Hons)
Music Technology BA (Hons)
Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons)
Paramedic Science BSc (Hons)
Performing Arts BA (Hons)
Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences BSc (Hons)
Pharmacology and Health Science BSc (Hons)
Photography BA (Hons)
Preparation for Cambridge (CPE) Undergraduate Course
Preparation for Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Preparation for IELTS
Primary Education (with QTS) BA (Hons)
Product Design BSc (Hons)
Professional Policing BA (Hons)
Professional Social Work Practice (UCMK) BA (Hons)
Psychology (top-up) BA (Hons)
Psychology and Crime BA (Hons)
Psychology and Criminal Behaviour (Top up) BA (Hons)
Psychology and Criminal Behaviour (Top up) BA (Hons) (University Square Campus, Luton)
Psychology and Criminal Behaviour BSc (Hons)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Psychology, Counselling and Therapies BSc (Hons)
Radio & Audio BA (Hons)
Social Studies BA (Hons)
Social Work BSc (Hons)
Software Engineering BSc (Hons)
Special Needs and Inclusive Education BA (Hons)
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
Sport and Physical Education BA (Hons)
Sport and Physical Education BSc (Hons)
Sport Journalism BA (Hons)
Sport Science and Coaching BSc (Hons)
Sport Science and Personal Training BSc (Hons)
Sports Science (Sports Coaching) BA (Hons)
Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation BSc (Hons)
Sports TV and Radio (Part time) BA (Hons)
Sports TV and Radio BA (Hons)
Strength and Conditioning BSc (Hons)
Television Production BA (Hons)
Travel, Aviation and Tourism Management BSc (Hons)
University Certificate of Continuing Professional Development in Teaching Learners with Additional Needs (Tresham)
Writing for Media BA (Hons)
Accounting and Business Finance MSc
Accounting and Business Finance with Data Analytic MSc
Advanced Clinical Practice (Midwifery) MSc
Advanced Clinical Practice (Nursing) MSc
Advanced Clinical Practice (Paramedic Science) MSc
Applied Computing and Information Technology (15 months) MSc
Applied Computing and Information Technology BA (Hons)
Applied Computing and Information Technology with Project Management MSc
Applied Linguistics (TEFL) MA
Applied Linguistics (TEFL) MA (Part Time)
Applied Linguistics MA
Applied Psychology (Conversion) MSc
Applied Social Work Practice: Children and Families MA
Applied Social Work Practice: Leadership and Management MA
Applied Social Work: Practice Education MA
Art and Design MA
Art and Design with Data Analytics MA
Art and Design with Project Management MA
Automotive Engineering for Electric Vehicles MSc
Biomedical Engineering MSc
Biotechnology (15 month) BA (Hons)
Biotechnology with Data Analytics MSc
Biotechnology with Project Management MSc
Business Administration (Digital Technology Management) MBA
Business Administration (Executive) MBA
Business Administration (Finance) MBA
Business Administration (Hospital and Health Services Management)
Business Administration (Human Resource Management) MBA
Business Administration (Internship) BA (Hons)
Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) MBA
Business Administration (Marketing) MBA
Business Administration (Oil and Gas Management) MBA
Business Administration MBA
Business Administration with Data Analytics MBA
Childhood and Youth: Applied Perspectives MA
Clinical Exercise Physiology MSc
Computer Networking MSc
Computer Networking MSc (1 Year)
Computer Networking MSc (University Square Campus, Luton)
Computer Networking with Project Management MSc
Computer Science MSc
Computer Science MSc (University Square Campus, Luton)
Computer Science with placement (22 months) MSc
Computer Science with placement MSc
Computer Science with Project Management
Creative Digital Film Production MA
Criminology MA
Cyber Security MSc
Cyber Security with Project Management MSc
Dance Performance and Choreography MA
Dental Education MA
Dental Education PgCert
Dental Law and Ethics MA
Dental Law and Ethics PgCert
Digital Marketing MSc
Early Years (Birth to 5) (with EYTS) PGCE
Education (Early Years) MA
Education (Early Years) MA (Part Time)
Education (Leadership)
Education (Leadership) MA
Education (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination) Distance Learning PgCert
Education (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination) PgCert (Bedford Campus)
Education (Practice) MA
Education (Practice) MA (Bedford Campus)
Education (Social Justice) MA
Education (Social Justice) MA (Bedford Campus)
Education (Special Educational Needs) MA
Education (Special Educational Needs) MA (Bedford Campus)
Electronic Engineering MSc
Electronic Engineering with placement (22 months) MSc
Electronic Engineering with placement MSc
Electronic Engineering with Project Management MSc
English Language Teaching (Leadership and Management) MA
English Literature MA
Environmental Management (15 months) MSc
Environmental Management MSc
Events Management MSc
Executive Masters in Business Administration MBA
Family and Systemic Psychotherapy MSc
Financial Economics MSc
Financial Risk Management MSc
Food Security in Public Health MSc
Forensic Analysis MSc
Forensic Psychology MSc
Health Psychology
Human Resource Management MSc
Human Resource Management PgDip
Human Rights and Social Enterprise MA
Information Systems Management MSc
Intermediate Child Focused Systemic Practice PgCert
Intermediate Systemic Practice with Families and Couples PgCert
International Business
International Business (with Placement)
International Business Law LLM
International Business with Aviation Management MSc
International Business with Data Analytics MSc
International Business with Law MSc
International Commercial and Dispute Resolution Law LLM
International Education (Leadership and Administration) MA
International Finance and Banking BA (Hons)
International Human Resource Management MSc
International Journalism MA
International Journalism with Data Analytics MA
International Journalism with Project Management MA
International Relations Management MSc
International Social Welfare and Social Development MA
International Tourism Planning and Management MSc
Management MSc
Marketing MSc
Mass Communications
Mass Communications with Data Analytics MA
Mass Communications with Project Management MA
Master of Business Administration (Placement) MBA
Mechanical Engineering MSc
Medical Education MA
Medical Education PgCert
Medical Education PgDip
Medical Simulation PgCert
Microbiology in Public Health (15 month) MSc
Microbiology in Public Health MSc
PGCE Early Years Birth to 5 (with EYTS) Employment Pathway PGCE
Pharmacology (15 month) MSc
Pharmacology MSc
Pharmacology with Data Analytics MSc
Pharmacology with Project Management MSc
Physical Activity, Nutrition and Behaviour Change MSc
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy MA
Preparing for Professional Social Welfare Practice PgCert
Primary Education PGCE
Primary with Mathematics PGCE
Primary with Mathematics PGCE (Bedford Campus)
Professional Social Work Practice PgDip
Project Management MSc
Project Management PgDip
Project Management with Data Analytics MSc
Public Health MSc
Public Health MSc (University Square Campus, Luton)
Purchasing Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Data Analytics MSc
Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
Screen Performance and Communication Techniques MA
Secondary Art and Design PGCE
Secondary Design and Technology PGCE
Secondary Drama PGCE
Secondary English PGCE
Secondary Geography PGCE
Secondary History PGCE
Secondary Maths PGCE
Secondary Music PGCE
Secondary Physical Education PGCE
Secondary Religious Education PGCE
Secondary Science with Biology PGCE
Secondary Science with Chemistry PGCE
Secondary Science with Physics PGCE
Social Work MSc
Social Work Practice
Software Engineering and Applications MSc
Software Engineering and Applications with Project Management MSc
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) MSc
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) PgDip
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing) MSc
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing) PgDip
Specialist Practitioner Community District Nursing MSc
Specialist Practitioner Community District Nursing PgDip
Strength and Conditioning MSc
Sustainable Management MSc
Television Production MA
Applied Social Research
Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC)
Business and Management
Business and Management Research
Computing Research
Education Research
English Language and Communication
English Language Research
Health Research
MA/MSc by Research
Media and Communications
Media, Art and Performance Research
PhD Research at CRiL
Professional Doctorates
Research Centre for Contemporary Accounting, Finance and Economics (ResCAFE)
Science Research: Biomedical, Environmental and Technological
Social Policy and Social Work
Sport and Physical Activity Research
Tourism Research
Scholarships at University of Bedfordshire
International Scholarships
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